The waters' protection, protection from the waters

10 / 11 April 2003

comparison of experiences

“The waters' protection, protection from the waters” it is the theme that the Assessorato of the Territory, Environment and public Works, in collaboration with the Foundation “sure Mountain” and with the partners transfrontalieri of the Vallese and Rhône-Alpes, intends to develop within the demonstrations of the international Year of the water 2003, during three thematic meetings of comparison among the experiences of the technicians of the sector. “The waters' protection” in how much, with the adoption of the “Project of regional Plan of the waters”, the Aosta Valley intends to manage his/her own water resources according to a politics of sustainable development. “Protection from the waters” in how much, in front of the constant increase of the events of hidrogeologic disarrangement , is necessary to strengthen the cooperations and the information interchange among all those people that occupy him of defended by the hidrogeologic risks for a more effective action of protection of the involved populations.


