Courmayeur Snowmotion - Safety day in freeriding

1 April 2009

Keen freeriders and great athletes from all over the world won't miss one of the major contests of this season.

To support the cause of safe freeriding, Montagna Sicura Foundation organizes one free day dedicated to safety in freeriding at the ARVA Trainingcenter at Pré de Pascal (Courmayeur), at the Val Veny cable arrival, on Wednesday 1st o April 2009.

The same evening, a round-table about safety will take place at the Jardin de l'Ange, in Via Roma (Courmayeur), under the chairperson of the Courmayeur Municipality.  

Wednesday 1st of April  2009 Arva Trainingcenter at Pré de Pascal - Val Vény - 10 a.m.- 3 p.m.

Presentation and description of the new ARVA Trainingcenter at Pré de Pascal, by ski rescuers of the Courmayeur Cableway Society Mont Blanc and by Montagna Sicura Foundation.

Self-rescue: the self-rescue kit in the freeriding (ARVA, shovel, probes), proper and efficient use of the tools, rescue call, practical research training with ARVA, by the Alpine Guides of the Courmayeur Guides Society.

Basic elements of snowfall and stratigraphy of the snow layer, in collaboration with the Regional Snow and Avalanches Service.

Basic elements of mountain medicine, by the doctors of USL Mountain Medicine Surgery.

Demonstration with avalanche dog, by the Financial Police Alpine Rescue Service.

Chalet Jardin de l'Ange - Courmayeur- 6 p.m. Round-table conference "Let's talk about safety"
Chairman Courmayeur Municipality


Montagna Sicura Foundation
Aosta Valley Alpine Rescue Service
High Mountain Guides Union of the Aosta Valley
Financial Police Alpine Rescue Service
Courmayeur Alpine Guide Society
USL Mountain Medicine Surgery

courmayeur snowmotioncourmayeur snowmotion


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